Jane Kelly of Jane's Growing Garden, pretty, naturalist, organic, no-dig allotment garden in the Market Town of Stone in Staffordshire
Jane's Little Slice of Heaven
Beautifully unforced, narrative photography
Gina Dover-Jaques is a former fashion-led, luxury fine art wedding photographer. Her aim is to bring an exciting and unique perspective to the gardening arena with her mastery of natural light photography, capturing luminous, unforced, and beautiful personal branding narratives on traditional rolls of film.
During the Pandemic, Gina stayed in to protect her extremely vulnerable husband. With not venturing out of the house for 18 months, in fear of the world, Gina turned to growing micro-greens. Her morning ritual became a time for reflection over a cuppa, whilst nurturing the little-shoots, and noticing the hope that they brought her. This soon led to Gina growing edibles in her garden, and immersing in nature in nearby parkland with her camera.
As Gina's mental health improved, she visited, and photographed a friend's 'garden for nature'. The ritual of sitting amongst the tall swaying grasses, observing nature, light and the overwhelming feeling of peace, Gina realised that being in gardens, and photographing them, was what she wanted to do.
A few months later, after missing peoples stories in her work, Gina repositioned herself as a personal branding storytelling photographer for niche talents in both the garden and the creative industries.
What is Personal Branding Photography?
Gina helps garden, and creative talents to create a visual aesthetic that tells the story of their business through a mixture of stylised and candid captures, for a window into their world, showing what makes them special.
Gina's work helps discerning businesses stand out in a crowded marketplace to help potential customers connect with them and their brand. Her imagery will build trust with their audience, showing consumers why they should invest in a business as an individual; through a collaboration exercising visual flair that highlights a business owner's personality, lifestyle choices, values, and so much more. Whether you are looking to show behind the scenes stills or the products and services you provide, or the whole story, Gina can add a touch of magic to your existing marketing visuals.
A beautifully realistic reflection of allotment life
This Autumn Gina photographed Jane Kelly of Jane’s Growing Garden allotment in the market town of Stone, Staffordshire. Jane wiles away her days nurturing and harvesting the fruits of her labour, videoing her discoveries, plus learning, whilst sharing her time with chickens and Rocky the dog.
Jane’s allotment is a complete reflection of her. You will not see a beautifully manicured space, but a realistically relaxed reflection of allotment life. Insect-riddled apples stay where they fall as offerings to nature, whilst randomly planted trees and archways add height and intrigue as they obscure the eye. Flower beds soften pathways as they spill and sprawl, and chickens cluck as they roam about, receiving the occasional cuddle from Jane.
Toward the end of Jane's Day, as the sun sets, soft dappled light fills her space, Jane reflects on the day, partakes in a cup of coffee, cuddles her chickens, and looks across to her neighbouring allotments.
The beautiful stories that Gina loves to tell
Gina typically loves to work with garden industry talents, such as gardeners, garden designers, flower growers, writers, journalists, authors, and social media influencers, that appreciate the value of putting a face to their business, and telling their story through storytelling branding photography. This typically encompasses business portraits, portraits that showcase their personality, photos of them in the workplace, behind the scenes, images that portray their values, lifestyle choices, the clothes they wear, down to their favourite daily cuppa​.
What Jane's Garden allotment means to her
Gardening organically was less of a decision but more of an extension of my relationship with nature. Whereas it would be nice to have a quick fix to eliminate problems, I’m confident enough to know that, given a little support, the garden will sort itself out. Blackfly on the broad beans are enjoyed by the ladybirds, and frogs help to keep the slug population to a minimum. I’m acutely aware of the balance. For this reason my planting and layout encourages wildlife to visit so that I can replicate, as much as possible, an environment where things can thrive.
Sitting at the top table allows me to just ‘be’. Listening to the birds busying themselves in the fruit trees above - or observing the chickens as they quietly purr together in dust baths. The pond entertains with the buzz of industrious insects and the occasional glimpse of the many frogs that have made it their home.
Featured in
The reality of allotment gardening
Of course, this otherwise serene spot comes with its own pitfalls. Autumn sees the trees catapulting many of their apples downwards – narrowly missing the ears of unexpected people below!
Sharing my space with natural visitors (?) even enhances jobs such as weeding. More often than not the satisfaction of excavating a whole, unbroken root will be accompanied by an apology to an unsuspecting worm, as I carefully relocate it to a more sheltered spot.
I hope that my videos share the reality of having a growing area. They show not just the highs, but also the lows. By documenting the journey – from a bare, arid piece of land to what it has become today - allows me to look back with a sense of pride and, hopefully, show the viewer that anything is possible. Be true to yourself and satisfaction will follow.
Junior, Junior getting some attention, so might be in trouble with the other chickens Bluebell, Dotty and Bossy Boots!
Putting a face to your business is so important now more than ever before.
With thanks to Staffordshire Living Magazine for the beautiful feature.
Jane's Kind Words
Oh my goodness Gina - the images are quite magical! The light is just beautiful. I absolutely love the them. You have captured the personality of Junior Junior [chicken] perfectly. I am pondering as to which one’s are my favourites- which might be impossible!
Thank you so much
Jane xx